Ytils RexMd's configuration options

Navigate to the configuration page in Redaxo

RexMd configuration options
How to launch the RexMd editor

Click Ytils RexMd on the AddOns section of the Redaxo main navigation.


Then click Settings.

The options


Chose between different Font-Families for the RexMd editor. The first font in the list that matches your system will be applied.


You can chose the size of the selected font in Pixels.

Popup dialogue Ytils Yupput

Ytils Yupput is the component that appears, when you search for articles or documents from the media pool. You can chose how many items the Yupput dialogue will display. The default of 4 fits to most popular, mobile devices. You may chose a higher number if you only work on computers with a full size display.

By default, the Yupput dialog searches for articles or media pool items whose names and/or meta information start with the entered search term. However, you can also configure RexMd to search with full wildcard functionality.

Module output

This is an option for developers. This option is a default. If checked, RexMd will render the HTML output within a div, having the class ytilsRexMd.